Saturday, December 3, 2011

Who will manage the business sector of Nepal?

In Nepal, All the business sectors are managed by Nepal Chamber of Commerce (NCC), established in the year 1952 (2009 BS) is the first Chamber of Commerce in Nepal. At present, it has more than 1,600 ordinary members and more than 8,000 registered firms.
Located in Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal, the NCC has been playing remarkable role in the business promotion and formulation of commercial, industrial and fiscal policies of Nepal Government.
The prime objective of NCC is to assist in the development of national economy through the promotion and protection of commerce and industries, both at the private and public sector. The leading tasks of NCC are:
  1. to foster good relationship and unity among the trading community and industrialists
  2. to develop links with commercial, industrial institutions around the world and to co-operate with each other for the betterment of national economy
  3. to organize Trade and Industrial Fairs, to co-operate and facilitate the Nepalese participants in such fairs.
  4. to issue Certificate of Origin for the Nepalese products.
  5. to establish or encourage in establishing the academic institutions related to commerce and industry, finance in the technical management and hold workshops, seminars, trainings and research programs.

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